Amelia Bartlett | Knoxville, TN

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Researching Lately: Writing Classes for 2022

2022 will be the year of writing.

I’m never sure if anyone knows I’m a writer (not just on this blog but in fiction, script, editorial, etc) and up until recently, I wasn’t too sure either. It’s writing that continues to take up most of my waking life without ever feeling like I’ve had enough. And frankly, I’d rather have a fun life where I do what I love the majority of the time than to fall into the “satisfied but unfulfilled” category. 

I’m about halfway through my vision casting process. SMARTER goals stumped me and I stopped to write myself this note before shelving the project for a few days — 

so, in summary, the same things I keep saying to myself: 

  • take a writing class.

  • maintain a writing practice.

  • grow my community.

  • get published in print.

Simple as that. 

What follows below is the culmination of my research in pursuit of writing classes / organizations to watch in future. There got to be so many links that I concluded someone else might find this information useful. 

Upcoming writing classes & educational organizations

Catapult — writing classes by writers, all classes of interest sold out

The Writers Studio — nothing resonating

Writers.comWriting for Children: Write a Picture Book — starts Dec 29 [tomorrow], $330

Writing Workshops

Gotham Writers — $25 reg + $419

The Writing SalonScholarship program

SF Writer’s Grotto

Firefly Creative Writing

Rising Tides: Studio Sessions — starts Jan 25, $675

SCBWI Mentorship Program — due Jan 14, $15 + $325 [if chosen]

Helpful writing submission tracking and sourcing tools

Submittable — submission tracker

Duotrope — submission tracker (no manual entry) also a search engine, $5 / month or $50 per year

How to Use Duotrope to Advance Your Writing Career

Using Airtable to Organize

Query Tracker

Writers Database

I chose the Feb 15 cohort of Margaret Meacham’s Children’s Book Writing ten-week online course.

Researching writing teachers helped me refine my parameters for what I hoped for in a class. Margaret Meacham’s published works and bylines fall into categories I’d like to explore; her experiences are in areas I find genuinely interesting and her experience in the subject she’s teaching boasts a lot of proof (publishing).

Gotham Writers was by far the best catalogue I encountered in all my research. Most of these classes are well outside my personal budget. Because I’m still in school (and supplementing my financial ecosystem with student loans) I try to allocate at least some of those educational funds to self-development outside the the academic sphere.

Do you have any writing programs you recommend? Is there a program you wish you could find? Let me know in the comments below. I have a 2022 writing group event percolating and your input will be especially helpful.