Contemplating Hustle & Balance and Planning an Intentional Birthday

Contemplating Hustle & Balance and Planning an Intentional Birthday

What started as a LinkedIn post about how this neuroatypical planner broke through self-judgment and planned a nurturing birthday week is now this blog, complete with a rant-y bit at the end about hustle culture and adaption.

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Why does falling sick feel like a personal failing? 

Why does falling sick feel like a personal failing? 

I woke up sick this morning and felt guilty about calling out of work at my new job. I sat down to write and see if I could figure out where this self-abuse stems from. This article doesn’t solve my cold or the fact that my brain wouldn’t work today even if I forced it to — it did give me insight into another option, though: Taking the advice I would give others in this situation.

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How to Complete a Spending Freeze | My September Plan

How to Complete a Spending Freeze | My September Plan

This month (September, 2021) will be my third spending freeze of the year. I’ve refined my process such that having an instruction manual will be helpful in future. If you’ve ever wanted to try a spending freeze or simply want to refresh your relationship with money, this is worth a try. Step-by-step instructions with prompts, activities, and plans.

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Late Spring - Early Summer in Our East Tennessee Garden

Late Spring - Early Summer in Our East Tennessee Garden

May - June saw explosive growth in the garden, where we are growing tomatoes, peppers, corn, squash, melons, green beans, peas, sugar snap peas, collard greens, romaine lettuce, arugula, bowl lettuce, basil, dill, and sunflowers. Read on and check out our photos, lessons learned, and what we’re looking forward to next!

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How to Get Funding and Keep Your Business Running During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

How to Get Funding and Keep Your Business Running During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Small businesses, entrepreneurs, freelancers, artists, makers, and performers have seen their businesses all but disappear during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. In this blog post, I go into detail about the CARES Act, recently passed in Congress, that provides emergency funding options for small businesses and all individuals whose primary compensation comes from self-employed work. Download my one-page quick start guide to funding eligibility, preparation, and application to keep your business running today!

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How to Work from Home and Advocate for Teleworking

How to Work from Home and Advocate for Teleworking

Employers are still keeping employees at work and considering furlough, layoffs, and other “solutions” to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that leave employees jobless or without income. Instead of waiting for the axe to fall, I’ve put together a guide to help you proactively advocate for yourself and your team members to work from home. Apps, steps, considerations, and step-by-step “How to Telework” guidance from my six years as a remote worker, manager, and leader.

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Understanding Your Privilege During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Understanding Your Privilege During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and voluntary self-quarantine have inspired me to reflect on my privilege. In this post, I dig into how our privilege (known or unawares) impacts our ability to respond to a pandemic, for socioeconomic fallout to community access to testing and treatment. Knowing your privilege is the first step to deploying it for the common good. Read on and identify your own privilege, then devise a plan for how you can best contribute to flattening the pandemic curve.

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Mental & Physical Wellness During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Mental & Physical Wellness During the Coronavirus Pandemic

I’ll get straight to the point: I’m taking the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic very seriously. In this blog post, I’m breaking down how I’m creating peace of mind during this time, including herbal recipes for antiviral + immunostimulating tonics, fundamentals of my “sick kit” (which does not include hoarding commercially available supplies), common-sense lifestyle changes, and how I’m taking care of my mental health as our world gets a little hysteric (rightfully so). I’d love to hear how you are responding to this pandemic in the comments!

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Hello Goodwill, It's Nice to Meet You

Hello Goodwill, It's Nice to Meet You

I had the opportunity to tour my local Goodwill-Industries in Knoxville, TN. Director of Marketing Erin Rosalina gave me the lay of the land, the building, and the mission driving Goodwill's community impact. If you've ever donated to Goodwill, shopped secondhand, or wondered what they're doing behind those enormous thrift shops, this article explains everything.

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I Was Assaulted by a Mentally Ill Homeless Man on My Way to Brunch

I Was Assaulted by a Mentally Ill Homeless Man on My Way to Brunch

Heading to brunch on Saturday morning resulted in a life-altering encounter with a homeless individual in downtown Knoxville.

As I get out of my car, I start loading up with my backpack with my back and driver doors open.

"I'm coming up behind you." I've now tuned in clearly to what the hollering is about.

Read on for the full story.

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Wildflower Walk in East Tennessee | Spring / Summer

Wildflower Walk in East Tennessee | Spring / Summer

This morning, I awoke in the moody dawn light to a strong rain pounding on our metal roof.

I’d gratefully awaited this rain that wasn’t expected until next week, and new the morning would be especially lovely. I was not disappointed, and it was as if in the few minutes before the rain tapered off and I dressed to run outside that new flowers sprouted in my impromptu ‘garden.’

Read one for a detailed exploration of my unruly wild natives patch!

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Book Review: All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders

Book Review: All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders

At the recommendation of a friend, I gave All The Birds in the Sky a read - and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Written by trans author Charlie Jane and published in the fast-growing speculative-fiction genre, this sci-fi/fantasy mash-up gave me plenty of think about and many moments to enjoy. However, I'm completely honest in my review and share my reasons for opinion in this post. 

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Story Review: Monkey King, Faerie Queen by Zen Cho

Story Review: Monkey King, Faerie Queen by Zen Cho

Riding on another stellar recommendation from Didi, Monkey King, Faeire Queen by Zen Cho opened up another small pocket of the literary scene I'd long-forgotten from my childhood: Speculative Fiction. My story review is short and sweet but comprehensive, highlighting the important themes, narrative elements, and historical ties this story seamlessly interweaves. 

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Dreamweaver, Tea Recipe by a Hobby Herbalist

Dreamweaver, Tea Recipe by a Hobby Herbalist


A tea crafted by ratio, scalable to any recipe size.

Dreamweaver is a floral, heavy tea that assists the Sandman in weighing you down for deep, restful sleep. Comprised of a collection of herbs, leaves, and flowers with varying properties, the primary effect of this brew is a smooth and seamless dream experience.

As someone who struggles with sleep, I find that there is not one cause but a slew of factors that can be remedied with herbs. A few common sleep disrupters:

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