Creating a "Capsule Wardrobe"

Creating a "Capsule Wardrobe"

There are a lot of blogs out there that are entirely about capsule wardrobes.

You can find innumerable tips and lists and videos all about the creation of a capsule wardrobe. However, going through it is messy - a list doesn't prepare you for that. For years, I was "trying" to minimize and simplify my wardrobe (for the psychological/performance enhancing benefits alone), be more conscious of my consumption (buying quality, choosing a classic to wear long-term, etc), and to be truly voting with my dollars. It's clear to me that I was expecting a list or a worksheet to tell me everything I needed to know, how to budget for it, how to let go of pieces you love but never wear, and how to allow myself to feel comfortable in my own skin.

This is how I'm starting to create my capsule wardrobe. I'll write posts along the way, share what worked, what didn't, and what I discovered. 

Photo credit: Atelier de Curiosite

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Women Taking Leaps: Interview with Manuela Baron

Women Taking Leaps: Interview with Manuela Baron

About the Women Taking Leaps series:

This blog - my life - would not be what it is today without the inspiring women in my life. Near and far, close friends and new acquaintances, incredible women have come into my life in my later years and opened a realm of possibilities for me, simply living by example. This blog series is the first of (hopefully) many to highlight the females that are forging onward, creating lives they love, and making a positive mark on this world.

To start this series, I am proud to introduce Manuela Baron, also known as The Girl Gone Green. Manuela hosts a thriving YouTube channel and Instagram community about conscious living through minimizing waste and being mindful of our impact on the environment.

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