Winter 10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge

Winter 10 x 10 Capsule Wardrobe Challenge

Created by Lee Vosburgh and co-hosted by Caroline Joy, both of respective insta-fame for their curated wardrobes and crisp photos, this ‘challenge’ invites participants to curate an experimental capsule for just ten days. This season’s challenge start’s January 19, 2018 - I simply started early so I could choose my pieces and photograph them for the project. I implore you to give this a try if you’ve ever been curious about capsule wardrobes! 

Read on for my reflections on this season's 10 x 10 capsule challenge. 

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A Short Guide for Being Kind

A Short Guide for Being Kind

As a part of my 100 Days of Grace project, I am researching the qualities that tend to accompany true grace. Generosity. Lightness. Ease. Kindness.

To let an off-hand comment roll off your back. To let someone in as a lane is ending on the highway, when you know they may have rushed up just to cut the line. To not take it personally if someone doesn’t hold the door or greet you when you walk into a business.

Read on for inspiration, circumstances, and optional responses for imparting small kindnesses in your everyday life. 

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100 Days of Grace

100 Days of Grace

For the first 100 days of 2018, I will pursue grace in all forms, explore its origins and exemplifications, and learn to embody it in my daily life. I have chosen the first seven of fourteen ways in which I will do this, and as I discover more about grace itself, the next seven will emerge. 

Read on for details on the 100 Days of... project, how to participate, and what I'll be doing for the first 100 days of 2018.

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Coming Into My Own as a Writer

Coming Into My Own as a Writer

If you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up at six years old, I would have told you straight: a writer. I'd already written plenty of short stories, including an illustrated children's book about my cat that was published in spiralbound and distributed to local children's libraries. At twelve, I established my pen-name: A. G. Stephens, who would someday author a slew of Young Adult fantasy and dystopian novels akin to Harry Potter and Scott Westerfield's Uglies series. 

Read on to learn about my journey to becoming a writer and what's up next. 

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Morning Tea Rituals

Morning Tea Rituals

Wake up, breathe deep, prepare tea. 

Start with what type of tea to start your day. You can choose caffeine to get started straight away or start lighter with a white, oolong, or herbal to ease in. If none of those are your cup of tea, hot water with freshly squeezed lemon juice is the Ayurvedic morning tonic for the ages. 

My favorite morning tea: Dan Cong Honey Orchid

It needn't be perfect, simply warm.

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Coming Out of Resignation

Coming Out of Resignation

I've been hiding behind "busy", "not feeling well", and "wanting some time alone."

Since June, I've resigned from the professional position I worked up to for three years, became a full-time photographer, sold my house, bought a school bus, packed everything Alhen and I owned into that bus, and moved to Tennessee. I'm writing from my temporary room in Alhen's mother's log cabin in the woods, staring out at the trees, surrounded by beauty and peace. 

I have been content to simply hide away here, quiet as a mouse, while we built our school bus and started new lives. 

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What My Slow Life Looks Like

What My Slow Life Looks Like

Wake up between 6:15 - 7:15 am, depending on what time I went to bed the night before and what commitments I have that day. If the bed is empty, make it. If not, move quietly through the house until my other half stirs. Brush teeth, wash face, and pull my hair back gently will clips or a headband to keep it stable throughout the morning. If necessary, I run a bit of Aveda's Smooth Infusion through my dry curls, extending their shelf life a few hours before the humidity hits.

I'm greeted by all the fur paws, Gallow - Hobo - Princess Tiger Lily - Mini Cooper, all "starving" in their own opinion but content to start their morning outside. 

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What is Slow Living?

What is Slow Living?

I can't remember when I first heard of "slow living", but I'm sure I wasn't interested back then. I was addicted to the "fast life". I was judging my self-worth based on engagement and going out of the my way to create moments for my externally-derived expectations that weren't what I truly wanted for my life. It wasn't until I began to notice my health suffering that I truly took an interest in slow living.

No matter how healthy I ate, how active I was, or how much I accomplished, stress was derailing my potential and too frequently putting me on the bench.

It's not my intent to get rid of my clocks or to quit my social life, but doing a deep dive into slow living has caused a reevaluation of my priorities. 

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Why We Celebrated the Feminine Mystique

Why We Celebrated the Feminine Mystique

Menstruation is the only reason why babies exist. Without menstruation, there are no pregnancies, therefore no people. One of the best things I learned through the creation of this fundraiser was that in ancient human societies, women were worshiped for their blood magic and respected for their sacred ability to create life. I doubt anyone was laughing then. 

On May 28, 2016, Mahila Partnership held a fundraiser at the Station House. Our goal was to raise awareness and gather support for our programs that support women’s health and hygiene in Nepal, Haiti, and India. 

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Creating a "Capsule Wardrobe"

Creating a "Capsule Wardrobe"

There are a lot of blogs out there that are entirely about capsule wardrobes.

You can find innumerable tips and lists and videos all about the creation of a capsule wardrobe. However, going through it is messy - a list doesn't prepare you for that. For years, I was "trying" to minimize and simplify my wardrobe (for the psychological/performance enhancing benefits alone), be more conscious of my consumption (buying quality, choosing a classic to wear long-term, etc), and to be truly voting with my dollars. It's clear to me that I was expecting a list or a worksheet to tell me everything I needed to know, how to budget for it, how to let go of pieces you love but never wear, and how to allow myself to feel comfortable in my own skin.

This is how I'm starting to create my capsule wardrobe. I'll write posts along the way, share what worked, what didn't, and what I discovered. 

Photo credit: Atelier de Curiosite

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